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Visualizzazione dei post in ordine di pertinenza per la query donald. Ordina per data Mostra tutti i post

lunedì 23 maggio 2016

# p-usa: #POTUS race: Donald, what he can do (with less than four lines ...)

Michael Wolraich. What Game Theory Tells Us About Donald Trump. Hillary Clinton is tasked with outwitting the human equivalent of a four-line computer program. May 11, 2016

FonT: non con quattro ma con solo una riga di programma si puo' generare una stringa di numeri "random", nell'intervallo 0-2 ad es, per usarla " in modalita' meccanica seriale" allo scopo di assistere  nelle decisioni ogni qualvolta un ipotetico attore/ gambler (Donald in questo caso) si trovi di fronte a un interlocutore che per suo giudizio non e'/si ipotizzi non sara'/ con lui cooperativo; il valore 0 potrebbe indirizzare Donald verso una reazione di bassa intensita' (indipendentemente dai propositi dell'interlocutore non cooperativo) mentre il valore 2 verso una elevata estrema risposta negativa/ ostile; solo una intelligenza artificiale puo' accorgersi che: (1) il gambler Donald sta usando una strategia pan-per-focaccia (tit-for-tat); (2) la intensita' di risposta all'interlocutore non dipendera' da quanto l'interlocutore gli e' ostile ma dai valori della sequenza di zero-due ...; emicrania assicurata per chiunque intenda  capire il suo comportamento ...; dal professionista in politologie all'illuminato  in teoria dei giochi  ...; in merito alle "quattro righe di programma" anni fa avevo scritto in fortran (con forse qualche riga in piu' di quattro) un programma che iterava l'eq. logistica; usando l'output di una logistica (per certi valori dei parms) un ipotetico Donald potrebbe avere il vezzo di ottenere stessi risultati con serialita' numerica generata meccanicamente anziche' in modalita' casuale; infine, a zero righe di programma, il medesimo ipotetico Donald potrebbe semplicemente lanciare una monetina (o un dado) per avere in tempo reale  le modalita' di comportamento (e di intensita' se usa un dado) da usare nei confronti del non/ supposto non/ cooperatore e ottenere nell'interlocutore e nell'osservatore confrontabili livelli di disorientamento (qui i due estremi: era modicamente non cooperatore e ha ricevuto come reazione una "bastonata"; era assolutamente ostile e ha ricevuto la classica "pacca sulla spalla" ...).

a proposito, qui una poesiola (quasistocastica) scritta anni fa sul tema "tit-for-tat" e, a quanto vedo, sempre attuale ...

Thursday, June 09, 2005
1668 - ramificata tinnula (di carmina fluitantia)

martedì 7 febbraio 2017

# n-trade: don't worry Donald #Potus, by Jack

<< Jack Ma, who met US President Donald Trump last month and announced his company Alibaba would help create one million jobs in the United States, added: "The world needs globalisation, it needs trade".  Speaking in Melbourne at the launch of Alibaba's Australia and New Zealand headquarters, he said: "Everybody is concerned about trade wars. If trade stops, war starts >>

Samuel Osborne. 'If  trade stops, war starts' Alibaba founder who visited Donald Trump warns. 'The world needs  globalisation, it needs trade'. 6 Feb. 2017.

Jack  Ma, il fondatore  del colosso Alibaba, avverte  Donald Trump: “Se si ferma il commercio inizia  la  guerra”. 6 Feb. 2017

FonT: i sistemi "chiusi" sono fragili, deboli, instabili, involuti ...  difficili da realizzare e impossibili da stabilizzare ... vale per i  contesti naturali, vale per le societa' umane .... ormai dovrebbe rendersene conto chiunque ...


<< Amico, qualunque  cosa suonerai . . . suonerai Jelly Roll >> Jelly Roll Morton (opp. Mouton, alias di Ferdinand La Menthe, opp. La Mothe, New Orleans, 20 ott ~1885 - Los Angeles, 10 luglio 1941, ~56a).  Ref: Alan Lomax. "Mister Jelly Roll". Duell, Sloan & Pearce, New York (1950);  cit. in: Arrigo Polillo."JAZZ". Oscar Saggi Mondadori. (1977):315,325.

giovedì 8 giugno 2017

# p-usa: a placebo effect (2): a rosy picture of POTUS Donald’s 2020 re-election prospects.

<< The White House was bracing for another chaotic week in Washington, awaiting potentially explosive public testimony from the ex-FBI director Donald Trump fired last month.  But nearly 400 miles away, his daughter-in-law  was home in North Carolina, painting a rosy picture of the president’s re-election prospects >>

<< No matter that in Washington, many Republicans are so deeply anxious about whether Donald Trump will damage the 2018 congressional election climate that they can't fathom talking about 2020. With the DC-based Trump family embroiled in crisis after crisis, Lara Trump has taken to the road and to the airwaves,
... >>

Katie Glueck. The face of Donald Trump’s 2020 campaign. Jun 07, 2017


the placebo effect (1):

# p-usa: POTUS race: immediatly, they introduced a placebo within: the "Melania Effect" ... Nov.4, 2016

martedì 9 maggio 2023

# life: exponential post-Donald (without Donald), how AI could interfere (drive) next political elections.

<< Recent news that the Republican National Committee (RNC) has used an AI-generated video to criticize Joe Biden shows how likely AI is to transform our upcoming elections. >>️

<< Through templates that are easy and inexpensive to use, we are going to face a Wild West of campaign claims and counter-claims, with limited ability to distinguish fake from real material and uncertainty regarding how these appeals will affect the election. >>️

<< In the coming year, response times may drop to minutes, not hours or days. AI can scan the internet, think about strategy, and come up with a hard-hitting appeal. >>️

<< AI provides an inexpensive way to generate instant responses without having to rely on highly-paid consultants or expert videographers. >>️

<< AI enables very precise audience targeting, which is crucial in political campaigns. >>️

<< AI likely will democratize disinformation by bringing sophisticated tools to the average person interested in promoting their preferred candidates as well. People no longer must be coding experts or video wizards to generate text, images, video, or programs. They don’t necessarily have to work for a troll farm to create havoc with the opposition. They can simply use advanced technologies to spread the messages they want. In that sense, anyone can become a political content creator and seek to sway voters or the media. >>️

Darrell M. West. How AI will transform the 2024 elections. May 3, 2023.

Also: 'ai', 'analogy', 'Potus', 'RAG-time', 'CTZ', 'Donald' in

Keywords: life, ai, analogy, potus, RAG, CTZ, Donald

lunedì 13 febbraio 2017

# n-usa: tracing Donald #POTUS: a new US triptych (?)


(1): accelerating the rise of (AI)  bots in the US

(2): pay attention to (Jay)walk; It could effectively be very dangerous ...

(3): gifts for  US Democrats

more (a): Chen' triptych, the first

2150 - il soffio di Chen. Jan 05, 2008.

more (b): 'Donald' in:

(1) << If President  Trump  really does push companies  to base  more of their production  in the US then those  that specialise in  robotics  and  automation  will probably  be  the  winners >>

Paul Diggle. Why  Donald Trump is inadvertently going to accelerate  the rise of robots. Jan. 25, 2017.

(2) << “Donald Trump has effectively created a way to deport individuals who have been accused, charged or convicted of anything from murder to jaywalking,” said Angelica Salas, executive director of the Coalition for Humane Immigrant Rights of Los Angeles >>

Janell Ross, Aaron C. Davis & Joel Achenbach. Immigrant community on high alert, fearing Trump’s ‘deportation force’.  Feb. 11, 2017

(3) David Weigel, Karen Tumulty. A gift and a challenge for Democrats: A restive, active and aggressive base. Feb. 11, 2017.

FonT: il prossimo futuro potrebbe essere "facile" da percorrere ...  percio' sara' "difficile"; forse (e si sottolinea forse) nell'ambito di "strane" discipline quali la neuro- farmacologia e la neuro- epi- genetica si trovera' "l'adatta stringa" ...

lunedì 14 novembre 2016

# n-soc: POTUS after the race: a sadic consideration, by Jonah and Stephen

<< It  has  become  a  reflexive  pledge,  often  half-joking,  after  an  election:  Worried  about the  next  president?  Move  to  another  country. After  the  news  of  Donald  J.  Trump’s  victory  in  the  presidential  election  was confirmed  early  Wednesday,  many  Americans  apparently  considered  doing  just that.  One  likely  destination  was  north.  Late  at  night, Canada’s  citizenship  and immigration  website  crashed as  it  was  flooded  with  interest. >>

<< Stephen  J.  Farnsworth,  a  co-author  of  the  2013  book  “The  Global  President: International  Media  and  the  U.S.  Government”  and  a  professor  of  political  science at  the  University  of  Mary  Washington,  said  that  escaping  to  Canada  would  not shield  you  from  the  influence  of  a  President  Trump. >>

Jonah Engel Bromwich. Want  to  Move  to  Canada?  Europe?  Somewhere? Trump’s  Impact  Will  Follow  You. NYT. Nov. 9,  2016

FonT: forse (e si sottolinea forse)  vista la trascorsa sorprendente esclusione e autoesclusione di importanti personaggi dalla "POTUS race" (ad es. Michael R. Bloomberg, ) nella sopravveniente, impellente necessita' di confinare (se cosi' si puo' dire) un ipotetico (e si sottolinea ipotetico) Donald "dalle singolari bizzarrie in.onda giallo- carota- s.fumante" sarebbe (sarebbe stato) utile, anzi, forse indispensabile, avvalersi (anche) delle preziose  consulenze di una ipotetica Entita' "El Morisco" simile, cioe' una sorta di El Morisco, gia' naturalizzato negli States, capace di districare, in senso preventivo ma anche successivo, nell'ordalia d'intrecci multi- dimensionali a corde vibranti stazionarie sensibili alle modalita' a pulsivita' quasistocastica (quantistico-) transizionali (vale a dire il normale reale nel quale siamo normalmente  immersi e normalmente operiamo). D'altronde, come si e' notato in contesti ecologici, coli' dove esiste una ipotetica tossina (l'antigene) e' probabile si possa individuare anche il suo specifico ipotetico antidoto (l'anticorpo). Percio' una Entita' "El Morisco" simile potrebbe essere adatta a trattare (anche) un caso Donald ipotetico. Ovviamente questa e'  solo una ipotesi di prima approx,  anzicheforse.

"El Morisco". in: Gianluigi Bonelli, Aurelio Galleppini. Il signore dell'abisso. Tex e El Morisco.



lunedì 23 maggio 2016

# p-usa: #POTUS race: Donald, what he can do (PS)

PS: a proposito dell'ipotetico Donald, gambler in performance "tit-for-tat" a  modalita' stocastica/ quasistocastica

anche un osservatore con titoli in neuropsichiatria verra' indirizzato nei suoi giudizi su tracce  erronee, fuorvianti, perche' l'ipotetico Donald, gambler che sa giocare "al buio", percio' gambler "di talento", in tali scenari assumera' piu' o meno consapevolmente comportamenti da leader Alfa, creativo, con spunti aciclicamente oscillanti, senza tuttavia da questi esserne realmente condizionato; tali comportamenti sono fascinosi, attrattivi, perturbativi,  generano inattesi vortici,  percio' sembrano  riscuotere cosi' tanto successo all'interno di numericamente importanti e trasversali sottoinsiemi delle variegate Moltitudini, tra i quali quelli che votano.

Una intelligenza artificiale, anche di media forza, compulsando e miscelando in tempo reale neuropsichiatria, studi affini e dirette osservazioni nel reale (IoT), questa cosa qui la capira' da subito, anzicheforse ...

mercoledì 25 marzo 2020

# life: a bizarre role of reversal within a hypothetical POTUSrace game; now playing: 'generous' Donald vs 'predator' Covid-19

<< Always good to make sure: Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin, the lead negotiator for President Donald Trump on this package, was asked Wednesday morning if the President would sign the agreement. Mnuchin: "Absolutely, absolutely." >>

Phil Mattingly. Congress on track to pass the largest emergency aid deal in US history. CNN. Updated 1403 GMT (2203 HKT) Mar 25, 2020.

Kevin Breuninger. Trump wants direct payments of $1,000 for adults, $500 for kids in coronavirus stimulus bill, Mnuchin says. Mar 19, 2020 09:30 AM ETD


#life; #POTUSrace; a bizarre hypothesis of that game, a (not real, theoretical) 'generous' Charlie vs. a (not real, theoretical) 'predator' Donald ... Jun 12, 2016.  
15:53  Feb 24, 2020.

never boring with chaos and tit-for-tat theories. FonT. Jun 12, 2016.

venerdì 30 giugno 2017

# p-usa: #POTUS Donald, a black eye at a sensitive moment ...

<< The resignations are a black eye at a sensitive moment for the news organization, which has emerged as a regular target of Mr. Trump and his supporters >>

<< Thomas Frank, a veteran reporter who wrote the story; Lex Haris, executive editor of investigations; and Eric Lichtblau, an investigative editor and reporter hired from The New York Times in April, submitted resignations on Monday morning. >>

Michael M. Grynbaum. 3 CNN Journalists Resign After Retracted Story on Trump Ally. June 26, 2017

La Cnn inciampa sulla "fake news" su Trump: si dimettono in 3 e The Donald esulta: "Wow! - Falso scoop di tre giornalisti di punta su presunti legami con il Cremlino assesta un duro colpo alla reputazione della rete all-news. 27/06/2017.

<< Wow, CNN had to retract big story on "Russia," with 3 employees forced to resign. >> 12:33 PM · 27 giu 2017


sabato 19 febbraio 2022

# gst: Parrondo paradox revisited, a chaotic switching approach

<< Parrondo's paradox is a phenomenon where the switching of two losing games results in a winning outcome. >>

<< Suppose I present to you the outcome of the quantum walker at the end of 100 coin tosses, knowing the initial position, can you tell me the sequence of tosses that lead to this final outcome?" (..) In the case of random switching, it is almost impossible to determine the sequence of tosses that lead to the end result. However, for periodic tossing, we could get the sequence of tosses rather easily, because a periodic sequence has structure and is deterministic. >> Joel Lai.

<< This led to the idea of incorporating chaotic sequences as a means to perform the switching. The authors discovered that using chaotic switching through a pre-generated chaotic sequence significantly enhances the work. For an observer who does not know parts of the information required to generate the chaotic sequence, deciphering the sequence of tosses is analogous to determining a random sequence. However, for an agent with information on how to generate the chaotic sequence, this is analogous to a periodic sequence. According to the authors, this information on generating the chaotic sequence is likened to the keys in encryption. >>

Using quantum Parrondo's random walks for encryption. Singapore University of Technology and Design. Oct15, 2021.

Joel Weijia Lai, Kang Hao Cheong. Chaotic switching for quantum coin Parrondo's games with application to encryption. Phys. Rev. Research 3, L022019. June 2, 2021. 


<< usando l'output di una logistica (per certi valori dei parms) un ipotetico Donald potrebbe avere il vezzo di ottenere stessi risultati con serialita' numerica generata meccanicamente anziche' in modalita' casuale; >>️

#POTUS race: Donald, what he can do (with less than four lines ...). FonT. May 23, 2016. 


keyword 'parrondo' in FonT

keyword 'parrondo' in Notes  (quasi-stochastic poetry)


keyword 'chaos' | 'chaotic' in Font

keyword 'caos' | 'caotico' in Notes (quasi-stochastic poetry)

keywords: gst, games, life, chaos, Parrondo, Parrondo chaotic switching approach

martedì 16 giugno 2020

# life: apropos of extreme swing (5); POTUSrace, he will accept a hypothetical defeat or, conversely, he will not

<< Joe Biden said Wednesday night that he believes if President Donald Trump loses the election and refuses to leave the White House, many of the former generals who used to work for him "will escort him from the White House with great dispatch." >>

<< "Mark my words I think he is gonna try to kick back the election somehow, come up with some rationale why it can't be held," Biden said in April. But the real danger here is not that Trump changes the date of the general election, which is virtually impossible, or that he seeks to claims squatter's rights in the White House. The thing that could threaten Biden's potential presidency -- and the ability of the country to move on from what will be one of the nastiest elections in modern history -- is if Trump simply refuses to admit he lost, never conceding that Biden is the fair-and-square president.>>

<< And it's very easy to imagine Trump -- with his 80-plus million Twitter followers and the potential that he would be the head of a TV network post-presidency -- beating the drum of illegitimacy day in and day out. Because, well, it is in his interest to do so and, as he has shown repeatedly during his presidency, he has very little regard for either the office or its status as a moral beacon within the country and the world. The result isn't hard to imagine: An even deeper divide within the country between the Trumpists and everyone else. >>

Chris Cillizza. Here's the real danger if Donald Trump loses the 2020 election. Updated 1513 GMT (2313 HKT) June 11, 2020.

Also (quasi-stochastic poetry)

2151 - a voting machine (to explain precisely). Notes. Jan 15, 2008.

giovedì 28 luglio 2016

# p-usa: POTUS race: five reasons why Donald will win, by Michael

<< I am sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but ... >>

Michael Moore.  (
5 Reasons Why Trump Will Win
07/23/2016 03:45 pm ET

FonT: l'articolo di Moore sembra risuonare  dell'echi dai riflessi purpurei di Entita' del tipo << Vico, flagello di Moldavia, travaglio di Carpazia >>  << cio' che e' stato ritornera', cio' che e' non si ripetera' >> (Ghostbusters 2) ; chissa' se la causa  nascosta, sottotraccia, di un ipotetico sottoinsieme non numericamente banale delle Moltitudini che votano (voteranno) Donald possa essere riconducibile alle considerazioni in ambito etologico di M.Palacios, S.Killen (et al.);  talvolta le cause in apparenza piu' semplici ...

sabato 14 gennaio 2017

# n-trade: 'unexpected' chaotic rally for George

<< Billionaire hedge-fund manager George Soros lost nearly $1 billion as a result of the stock-market rally spurred by Donald Trump's surprise presidential election >>

Gregory Zuckerman, Juliet Chung. Hedge Funds. Billionaire George Soros Lost  Nearly $1 Billion in Weeks  After Trump Election. Jan. 13, 2017  4:10  a.m.  ET

<< Questa volta invece Soros è stato vittima della "sindrome Brexit": prigioniero anche lui della convinzione che le vittorie populiste affondano i mercati. Non sempre è così. O almeno non subito. >>

Federico Rampini. Finanza Usa, Soros sbaglia su Trump e perde un miliardo di dollari. 13 Gennaio 2017


"Donald", in:

sabato 29 ottobre 2016

# s-ai: POTUS races: the MogIA's granular prophecies, by Sanjiv Rai

<< An artificial intelligence system that correctly predicted the last three U.S. presidential elections puts Republican nominee Donald Trump ahead of Democrat rival Hillary Clinton in the race for the White House >>

<< MogIA is based on Mowgli, the child from Rudyard Kipling's novel "The Jungle Book." Rai [Sanjiv Rai] said this is because his AI model learns from the environment >>

<< "If you look at the primaries, in the primaries, there were immense amounts of negative conversations that happen with regards to Trump. However, when these conversations started picking up pace, in the final days, it meant a huge game opening for Trump and he won the primaries with a good margin," Rai told CNBC in a phone interview >>

<< Using social media to predict outcomes of elections has become increasingly popular because of the amount of data available publicly. In September, Nick Beauchamp [..] published a paper about his experiment applying AI to more than 100 million tweets in the 2012 election. He found that this closely mirrored the results seen in state-level polling >>

<< Rai said his system would be improved by more granular data  [from] each digital device [..] he could then collect data on exactly what people were thinking >>

Arjun Kharpal. Trump will win the election and is more popular than Obama in 2008, AI system finds. Oct. 27, 2016.

Daniele Chicca. Elezioni Usa, per i social media e l’intelligenza artificiale vincerà Trump. 28 ott 2016

mercoledì 10 febbraio 2016

# p-usa: Donald, a probabilistic proto- POTUS' transcript

<< A woman in the audience yelled out that Cruz is a pussy, and he repeated it. he also pointed out it shouldn't be said, and she shouldn't say it ... >>

LesGrossman2015. Donald Trump Calls Ted Cruz A Pussy. Published on Feb 8, 2016

giovedì 17 agosto 2017

# s-acad: the nomad razor by Richard

<< Over drinks one evening, a Christian journalist described witnessing an episode of faith healing. Instead of dismissing the story outright, Dawkins pressed for details >>

<< Some people define atheism as a positive conviction that there are no gods and agnosticism as allowing for the possibility, however slight. In this sense I am agnostic, as any scientist would be. But only in the same way I am agnostic about leprechauns and fairies. Other people define agnosticism as the belief that the existence of gods is as probable as their nonexistence.  In this sense I am certainly not agnostic >> Richard Dawkins

John  Horgan.  Richard Dawkins Offers Advice for Donald Trump, and Other Wisdom. Aug 10, 2017.

venerdì 10 novembre 2017

# soc: four plausible scenarios: if this is the scorecard after (#1, #2), what will (#3) democracy look like after (#4) years of (#5), by Brian

<< If this is the scorecard after 10 months (#1, #2), what will American (#3) democracy look like after four (#4) years of Trump(#5)? Will it be recognizable? As I see it, there are four plausible scenarios, ranging from the hopeful to the catastrophic >> Brian Klaas

1. The Trump Vaccine [..]
2. Democratic Decay [..]
3. The Forerunner [..]
4. American Authoritarianism [..]
>> Brian Klaas

Brian Klaas. The four futures of Trump (and American democracy). Nov 9, 2017


ipoteticamente i 4 scenari ("four plausible scenarios") indicati da Brian Klaas potrebbero essere riconducibili e anche individuabili attraverso ipotetiche  'traiettorie' generate da  componenti strutturali che gia' sono presenti, attivi e coesistono 'in nuce',  sottotraccia, in quel tessuto sociale (e altrove); di volta in volta, in funzione delle caratteristiche del sistema al tempo 't' (e anche per componenti  casuali, fluttuanti, oppure per autoamplificazione di una singolarita' che interferisca  all'interno e all'intorno), un 'ramo' della dinamica emerge, si stabilizza e predomina transitoriamente sulle altre tre in una specie di danza tra stati stazionari (di meta-stabilita') e oscillaz periodiche e aperiodiche; in prima approx la soluzione (1.) potrebbe dipendere dalla velocita' e dalla efficacia  dell'immunizzazione individuale; la (2.) dalle specifiche caratteristiche del tessuto economico sociale culturale al tempo 't'; la (3.) dalla esistenza nel contesto di 'adatta entita'' immediatamente operativa (l'adatto attrattore disponibile); la (4.) dal complesso intrecciato di problematiche assai male/mai risolte e/o assai male/mai impostate dalle classi dirigenti che hanno preceduto l'ineffabile Donald;


'acicliche', in poetiche quasistocastiche:

'onda', in poetiche quasistocastiche:

chissa' quanti interessanti 'paper' si potrebbero 'generare' partendo da queste 'semplici' considerazioni, inveroe' ed anzicheforse ...

domenica 18 febbraio 2018

# soc: just only one #POTUS Donald's (chaotic) tweet to change the course of California's 2018 elections, by John

<< Well, there's a guy who was supported by 76% of the party's voters in the PPIC survey. That would be Trump. And he's got an effective way to ensure a chosen candidate gets a ton of free attention. Yes, a presidential tweet. >>

<< The flip side, of course, is that an embrace from Trump could turn off millions of otherwise persuadable California voters. But for a party with limited options, firing up the voters you already have may be better than doing nothing at all. >>

John Myers. How one Trump tweet could change the course of California's 2018 elections. Feb 18, 2018.

<< His tweets have the power to shape international relations, send stock prices up — or down — and galvanize the American public. >>

Everything President Trump has tweeted (and what it was about)

giovedì 28 luglio 2022

# life: Art Tatum in "Tea for Two", ipotesi di rivisitazione.

Piero Sansonetti. E se Letta e Meloni decidessero di correre da soli? Il Riformista, 4, 147. 27 Luglio 2022.

Art Tatum. Tea for Two

Nel transitorio 1994 gli Italiani hanno avuto a disposizione sostanzialmente tre opzioni: Mr Quack, Segni-Martinazzoli, Silvio B. plus (Silvio silvo- sadico- sadico, preludio di Donald Potus). Hanno scelto e sono stati risucchiati in un buco nero. Oggi, 28 anni dopo, residenti nello stesso buco nero, il 46% ca degli Italiani che hanno dichiarato di partecipare alle prossime elezioni ( ipotetico 50-60% di chi voterà ) si orienterebbe all'interno di due tra le numericamente significative opzioni disponibili.  

In effetti, nella finestra temporale di 28 anni, le opzioni di interesse (per il 46% di votanti, pari a forse qualcosa di più di un quarto degli aventi diritto al voto, vale a dire 23-25% ca) sembra si siano ridotte da tre a due: Tea for Two. 


'Tea for two' in: Elettrico Charlie (Seven come eleven). Notes. Feb 01, 2007.