
martedì 11 luglio 2017

# s-astro: the sonic multiverse, by Gavin Starks

<< A project that explores whether there is a musical equivalent to the curvature of spacetime will be presented on Thursday 6 July by Gavin Starks at the National Astronomy Meeting at the University of Hull >>

AA << aim is to test whether mathematical relationships that describe cosmology and quantum mechanics can be applied to a sonic universe , or 'soniverse' >>

Royal Astronomical Society. Adventures in acoustic cosmology. July 6, 2017

Gavin Starks. Escape into the multiverse. Jan. 27, 2017

lunedì 10 luglio 2017

# s-behav: mimic the sound of musk hogs to avoid being eaten

<< Bird or beast? A cuckoo seems to have learned how to mimic the sounds made by the pig-like peccaries it lives alongside, perhaps to ward off predators >>

Sandrine Ceurstemont. Cuckoos mimic the sound of musk hogs to avoid being eaten. July 3, 2017.

<< Acoustic communication is particularly important in environments such as dense tropical forests, where the dim light constrains the efficacy of visual signals >>

<< In these environments, complex species interactions could promote the evolution of acoustic signals and result in intriguing patterns of mimicry and convergence >>

AA << demonstrate that the acoustic characteristics of bill clacking in ground-cuckoos are more similar to teeth clacking of peccaries than to bill clacking of the more closely related Geococcyx roadrunner >>

Fabio Raposo do Amaral, Gabriel Macedo, et al. Bluffing in the forest: Neotropical Neomorphus ground-cuckoos and peccaries in a possible case of acoustic mimicry. J Avian Biol doi: 10.1111/jav.01266. June 29, 2017

venerdì 7 luglio 2017

# e-web: sending a message without carriers

AA << by using the quantum Zeno effect and a single-photon source, direct communication without carrier particle transmission is implemented successfully >>

Yuan Cao, Yu-Huai Li, et al. Direct counterfactual communication via quantum Zeno effect. PNAS 2017 114 (19) 4920–4924

Joshua Roebke. How to Send a Message without Sending Anything at All. June 27,  2017.

giovedì 6 luglio 2017

# s-brain: to distinguish between reality and imagination

<< neurons in the part of the brain found to be abnormal in psychosis are also important in helping people distinguish between reality and imagination >>

AA << investigated how the brain codes visual information in reality versus abstract information in our working memory and how those differences are distributed across neurons in the lateral prefrontal cortex region of the brain >>

Crystal Mackay. Researchers identify specific neurons that distinguish between reality and imagination. June 1, 2017

AA << results indicate that a functionally diverse population of LPFC (lateral prefrontal cortex) neurons provides a substrate for discriminating between perceptual and mnemonic representations of visual features >>

Diego Mendoza-Halliday & Julio C. Martinez-Trujillo. Neuronal population coding of perceived and memorized visual features in the lateral prefrontal cortex. Nature Comm. 8, Article no: 15471 (2017) doi: 10.1038/ncomms15471 Publ. Jun 01,  2017

mercoledì 5 luglio 2017

# s-gst: una immagine del reale: il gomitolo "vibrazionale"

una immagine del reale: il gomitolo "vibrazionale"  (pseudo quasi- stocastico) dalle spiccate proprieta' autoassemblanti ...

<< Mitotic chromosome assembly remains a big mystery in biology >>

Ewa Piskadlo, Alexandra Tavares,  Raquel A Oliveira. Metaphase  chromosome structure is  dynamically maintained by condensin I-directed DNA (de)catenation. doi: 10.7554/eLife.26120 May 6, 2017


immagini di "gomitolo" circa ipotetici altri scenari (espressi in rime quasistocastiche):

martedì 4 luglio 2017

# s-zoo: live with stress in a salamander

<< During embryonic development, cells of the green alga Oophila amblystomatis enter cells of the salamander Ambystoma maculatum forming an endosymbiosis >>

A << two-by-two-way analysis revealed that intracellular algae exhibit hallmarks of cellular stress and undergo a striking metabolic shift from oxidative metabolism to fermentation >>

<< In stark contrast to its algal endosymbiont, the salamander cells did not exhibit major stress responses, suggesting that the host cell experience is neutral or beneficial >>

John A  Burns et al. Transcriptome  analysis illuminates the nature of  the intracellular interaction in a  vertebrate-algal symbiosis. doi: 10.7554/eLife.22054.001 May  2,  2017.

The struggle to live in a salamander. In  the symbiotic  relationship formed between algae and salamanders, only the  algae show stress. June 30, 2017

sabato 1 luglio 2017

# s-chem: more on the anomalous properties of water

<< Most of us know that water is essential for our existence on planet Earth. It is less well-known that water has many strange or anomalous properties and behaves very differently from all other liquids >>

<< Some examples are the melting point, the density, the heat capacity, and all-in-all there are more than 70 properties of water that differ from most liquids >>

<< These anomalous properties of water are a prerequisite for life as we know it >>

<< "The new remarkable property is that we find that water can exist as two different liquids at low temperatures where ice crystallization is slow" >> Anders Nilsson.

Water exists as two different liquids. June 26, 2017.

Fivos Perakisa, Katrin Amann-Winkela, et al. Diffusive dynamics during the  high-to-low density transition in amorphous ice. PNAS 2017 doi: 10.1073/pnas.1705303114.